Mutated Shadowmanes on Genesis 2
Breeding Featured

Tames That Help You To Breed For Mutations

Breeding for mutations in ARK can be chore even for the ones that enjoy taking care of their virtual animals. In the past years we got more and more tames that would support us in our quest to breed super dinos. I want to show you a list of dinos that will help you achieve […]

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Geforce Now And Ark

Review: Nvidia GeForce Now with ARK Survival Evolved

Hear me out. My PC is really old and playing ARK has always been a compromise between PvP graphics and 10 fps. Video cards have been expensive since the Tech Bros invented Crypto, so I needed a solution to still be able to provide good, if not even better ARK content for YouTube and Twitch. […]

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Tek Parasaur
ARK Basics

Things ARK Players Wished They Knew When They Started Playing

In ARK, it doesn’t matter for how long you play the game, you learn something new every day and there will always be things you wished you had known before you started even playing. I have asked people on my YouTube channels what things they wished to have known before they started playing ARK and […]

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ARK Genesis 2
ARK News

How many people play ARK daily? Official numbers!

In the first half of 2022 ARK had on average 395,150 daily active users. Active users in this case are people who played the game at any given point during the day. This is not to be confused with concurrent users which is the number of people who play a game at the same time. […]

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The Different Fjordur Realms Explained

What does Genesis 1 and Fjordur have in common? Both maps have areas that are completely separated from each other. You can get to them either by Teleport or additionally like on Fjordur through a Portal room. But what is the difference between the realms on Fjordur, and where should you build your base? Are […]

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Featured Interviews

A Beacon for ARK Admins – Interview With Tekcor, the developer of Beacon/Omni

When you are an ARK admin, and you are hosting your own ARK servers, then you might have heard about the program Beacon. It started as a program helping you to adjust the drops on your server yourself to get rid of those nasty compass blueprints, but over time it grew and became even more […]

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S-Rockdrake Svartalfheim
ARK News

ARK News Of The Week 40

It’s a new week of ARK News behind us and I want to wrap up what happened in the world of dinosaurs. Ready for the news? Let’s go! ARKpocalypse Servers have been reset Every 30 days the ARKpolcalypse servers will get reset. Those are PvP servers with higher rates and higher pace. Those servers got […]

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ARK Basics Breeding

The Biggest Mistakes That Slow Down Your Mutation Breeding

When breeding for mutations and practising mutation stacking, you can run into the problem of progressing way too slow. Sometimes this is just bad luck, other times you have influence over the speed of the mutation happening. I will tell you the 5 most common reasons why your mutation stacking is progressing way too slow. […]

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