Month: October 2022

Beginners GUIDE to ARK Smart Breeding
ARK Smart Breeding is probably the tool you want to use if you are a breeder or even if you want to have an overview over your animals, plan linebreeding your dino and track your progress together with you tribe. What you need to run ARK Smart Breeder ARK Smart Breeder is a Windows program, […]
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The BIG Mutagen and Mutagel Guide
Mutagen and Mutagel are two new resources that came with Genesis Part 2. These affect, among other things, two topics close to all ARK players hearts—taming and breeding. Mutagen and Mutagel both have several uses, which I will explain to you. First, however, you probably want to know how to get Mutagen and Mutagel. How […]
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ARK News Of The Week 43
Hello Survivors! The week is already over, and it’s time for this week’s ARK News. We have some things to cover, and I hope you are all excited! Finally, ARK Switch Release dates The week has been interesting for everyone who wants to play ARK Survival Evolved on the Switch. These are now the release […]
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Breeding with Structures Plus+
Structures Plus+ is a mod made by orionsun first released 26 Jul, 2016. It has been a staple for modded servers ever since. S+ (short for Structures Plus+) adds a lot of quality of life changes to the core mechanics of ARK. One of these core mechanics is breeding and S+ does a lot for […]
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How to defeat the Manticore?
The Manticore is a mystical creature that was introduced into ARK Survival Evolved through Scorched Earth. The Manticore is probably one of the most annoying bosses in the game, because he loves to stay in the air not being able to be hit with land dinos. On which map does the Manticore spawn? Scorched Earth […]
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Is Crossplay Possible in ARK Survival Evolved in 2022?
Crossplay is the ability to play together with your friends, who play the same game on a different platform. Crossplay is connecting players regardless of their device choice and prevents you as the player from having to rebuy the game in order to play with your friends. Crossplay in ARK Survival Evolved is possible, but […]
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How to defeat the Overseer / Tek Cave
The Overseer fight is your first “final” test as it will test your qualities as a fighter and finish up your play through on The Island. The Overseer fight has several stages you have to master before you can ascend. Ascension in ARK means that your level-cap will be permanently raised on that character. On […]
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ARK News Of The Week 42
Hello Survivors! It’t time again for the ARK News of the past week. You’re excited what has changed and what happened? Then let’s go! Ultimate Survivor Edition for Switch got delayed It’s not a real delay since even the 25th was more like a “nice to have” date than a fixed date, like I mentioned […]
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