Fjordur has a total of 7 Bosses (if you count Sköll and Hati as one boss). The locations to these fights are spread all over the realms and bioms and sometimes they are even hidden so well, that you won’t stumble over the location even after many hours of playing.
The World Bosses
There are 3 different World Bosses that spawn on the main land and in the realms. Finding them can be tricky but I show you the exact terminal coordinates and also how to get to the terminal in case it is hidden in a cave.
Beyla – The Bee Boss
Beyla is a giant bee that spawns within a cave on the main map on Fjordur. She is also the easiest of them all and simply needs good dps to be defeated. The Cave Entrance to the boss is at Lat 04.4 Lon 47.3 and the terminal is at the end of the tunnel like Cave at Lat 07.2 and Lon 44.8 (See screenshots below)

Hati and Sköll – The wolf brothers
Hati and Skölls Boss Terminal can be found within Asgard. It’s standing out in the open and provides a lot of space to fight. It is limited by pillars that restrict the movement range of the wolves. You will find the Terminal in Asgard at Lat 20.5 and Lon 37.3

Steinbjörn – The petrified bear Boss
The Steinbjörn Boss Terminal is within Jotunheim. It’s very cold there so come prepared. You can find the Cave Entrance to the Boss Terminal in Jotunheim at: Lat 77.5 Lon 30.8
The Steinbjörn Boss Terminal itself is at the end of the cave at: Lat 79.9 Lon 26.3

The Island Bosses
Fjordur offers Bossfights of the original Island Bosses in new arenas. Every tip and trick on defeating the bosses on the Island also applies to their Fjordur version.
Here is our article on how to defeat the Broodmother.
The Broodmother Terminal is within a cave on the mainland. You will find the cave entrance hidden behind trees at: Lat 57.3 Lon 65.7
The actual terminal is further in the cave at: Lat 54.5 Lon 65.3

Here is our article on how to defeat the Megapithecus.
The Megapithecus is also on the mainland within what we call the Aberration Cave. The Entrance to that cave is at: Lat 56.8 Lon 84.8
The Boss Terminal is way further in at: Lat 49.0 Lon 82.3

Here is our article on how to defeat the Dragon.
The Dragon is not – as you may think- at Balheimr but its hidden in a cave in the north deep in a mountain on the main land. The entrance to the cave is at: Lat 86.2 Lon 05.1
And if you go down the stairs you pass the boss console at: Lat 84.3 Lon 08.1

To defeat the final boss on Fjordur you need to start the bossfight at one of the Obelisks. Here it doesn’t matter which one you take. Just take the one that is closest to you.

Further infos: