Breeding unlocks creatures for the Endgame by giving access to mutations and improvement of stats which are not available wild. It’s one of the most time-consuming activities.

Maewing – Taming Feeding, Breeding and what to level
Let’s learn something about the Maewing. This is a creature that was introduced in the game with the DLC Genesis 2. The Meawing is unique in many of its characteristics and helpful no matter what stage of the game you are in. The name Maewing is very reminiscent of the name Mei Yin. cccc
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How To See Level Points In Stats Without Mods In ARK
If you watched breeding guides, you probably heard about stat points or level points before. Those are the points that go into a stats and then calculates the raw stats this way. We talked about it briefly in the Incubator article. But while modded servers have spyglasses like Awesome Spyglass that make it easy to see those points, unmodded or console players can’t use these tools. I will show you how you can figure out the stats anyway.
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How does the Incubator in ARK Survival Evolved work?
The incubator in ARK Survival Evolved is a structure that was added with Genesis 2. It has proven to be the most handy tool for ARK Breeders in its very short time of existence. And this article will explain to you how it works.
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How do mutations in ARK Survival Evolved actually work?
You are interested in the nerdiest of the nerdiest topics in ARK Survival Evolved? Breeding and mutations? This is your article! How do mutations work? How do we get double and triple mutations? You will learn this and much more in this article.
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