Month: September 2022

Things you should know about the Svartalfheim map in ARK
Svartalfheim is the newest map from Fjordur creator Nekatus. It is a dwarfen map highly inspired by Northern mythology and Lord of the Rings. With 33km² size it is fairly small compared to the other available ARK maps. It is an unofficial mod map, that requires you to be able to make use of mods—Which […]
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What does the work as a developer for one of the biggest ARK tools look like? – BIG Interview with the devs of ARK Smart Breeding (ASB)
If you are into breeding in ARK Survival Evolved, then you probably know ASB—ARK Smart Breeding. It’s a neat little software that helps you to archive the stats, colors and infos around your tames, and it helps you to progress with your breeding by giving you breeding suggestions. It has been a handy tool for […]
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All methods to get Element on Lost Island in ARK Survival Evolved
Getting Element on Lost Island can be tricky since it is not a particular Tek-heavy map but there are some ways regardless and I will show you all methods to get Element. You can get Element on Lost Island by fighting the boss, harvesting Tek animals and using Feroxes. I collected some data on which […]
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Rexes: Taming, Feeding, Breeding and what to level
Rexes have probably been THE flagship dinosaur for the ARK franchise. Not only was the Rex in ARK 1’s first trailer, they continued the legacy by also putting a Rex hunt into the first Trailer of ARK 2. Since its release Rexes have been used for all heavy duty fighting tasks. This guide will help […]
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Therizinosaurus: Taming, Feeding, Breeding and what to level
The Therizinosaurus or how we call it – The Tickle Chicken – is one of most popular herbivores in the game ARK Survival Evolved. Therizinos are probably the most used herbivore for bossing as well, so we will look into why this is the case as well. Want to learn a bunch about Therizinos? Let’s […]
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ARK News Of Week 38
Looking for what happened in ARK last week? Well let’s have a look into the news for the community for the past week. CodigoAlex gets hired by Studio Wildcard Let’s start with some Wildcard hireing news. CodigoAlex the 19-year-old creator of Arkadia 1 and 2 and the creator of the Titanmap has been hired by […]
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How Many Females Per Male Are Needed in ARK?
If you want to breed for mutations, you need to provide a certain amount of females per male to get the highest possible and reasonable mutation chance. I have been asked very often how many females are needed to get a guaranteed mutation. First there is unfortunately not such a thing as guaranteed mutations, but […]
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What is the difference between PvE and PvP in ARK: Survival Evolved?
You just got into the game and want to know which game mode you are supposed to choose? I will tell you the differences between ARK PvE in comparision to PvP so you can make a choice for yourself. PvP and PvE are extremely different and depending on how much time and effort you want […]
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