Looking into all the offers that Studio Wildcard is providing for ARK Survival Evolved you might ask yourself what the ARK Explorers Edition is and what is included in it. The ARK Explorers Edition is the Main game content and then all DLCs that are included in the first Season Pass. So you will get all maps just not Genesis 1 and 2.
Explorers Edition compared to the Ultimate Survivor Edition?
I personally would not suggest buying the Explorer Edition now, because it does not include all the content ARK 1 has to offer. It was the complete bundle before Genesis 1 and 2 got released. If you want to have the full game now, you want to buy the ARK: Ultimate Survivor Edition. It includes every DLC, and every Soundtrack. The Ultimate Survivor Edition is available for PC and Console (Xbox and Ps4) and will be available for Nintendo Switch during 2022 and 2023.