
Lost Island
The Island
Rhyniognatha – Taming, Feeding, Breeding and what to level
The Rhyniognatha was released on June 2th for PC as a result of a creature vote that happened with the announcement of ARK Survival Ascended and the delay of ARK 2. It is now officially the last Dinosaur that will be added to ARK Survival Evolved and and takes that spot away from the Carcharodontosaurus […]
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ARK Basics
Therizinosaurus: Taming, Feeding, Breeding and what to level
The Therizinosaurus or how we call it – The Tickle Chicken – is one of most popular herbivores in the game ARK Survival Evolved. Therizinos are probably the most used herbivore for bossing as well, so we will look into why this is the case as well. Want to learn a bunch about Therizinos? Let’s […]
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