The Animated Series

ARK The Animated Series is a TV-Show produced by Studio Wildcard Cofounder Jeremy Stieglitz. At the moment there are 2 seasons.

Ark The Animated Series
The Animated Series

ARK The Animated Series – Drifting Away From The ARK Lore?

On April 19th, ARK: The Animated Series was released outside of the USA in selected countries, including Germany where I live, allowing me to watch the first half of the first season. The second half is not available yet, and we also have no information on when it will be released. Therefore, everything in this […]

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Featured The Animated Series

ARK – The Animated Series – Everything we know so far (will be updated)

ARK The Animated Series was announced 2020 on the Game Awards for 2022 – this year to air. From the developer stream we had a few weeks ago, we found out that most of the work has already been done. Right now Wildcard is looking for a streaming platform that wants to take the finished […]

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