Interviewing people from the ARK Community. Meet the people who made your ARK experience the way it is.

Appalachia: The First Modded Map of ARK Survival Ascended – Interviewing Kaluga Studios
Appalachia, the first paid mod for ARK Survival Ascended was just recently announced! This modded map already exists on ARK Survival Evolved and will be put into ASA. It expands the world of ARK Survival Ascended by bringing North American biomes to life. Covering an estimated area of 300km x 300km, Appalachia offers players a […]
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Interview with Dan Leveille – Developer of Dododex
This interview is special to me because I was able to talk to Dan Leveille who is the developer of Dododex, the biggest companion app and probably the most used software in regard to ARK Survival Evolved. Dododex has 35k ratings on the App Store with a rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars. On […]
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A Beacon for ARK Admins – Interview With Tekcor, the developer of Beacon/Omni
When you are an ARK admin, and you are hosting your own ARK servers, then you might have heard about the program Beacon. It started as a program helping you to adjust the drops on your server yourself to get rid of those nasty compass blueprints, but over time it grew and became even more […]
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What does the work as a developer for one of the biggest ARK tools look like? – BIG Interview with the devs of ARK Smart Breeding (ASB)
If you are into breeding in ARK Survival Evolved, then you probably know ASB—ARK Smart Breeding. It’s a neat little software that helps you to archive the stats, colors and infos around your tames, and it helps you to progress with your breeding by giving you breeding suggestions. It has been a handy tool for […]
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